Book Excerpts

Click on the books below to read sample chapters or stories.

Can you spare me a smile?

a copious compendium of comedic commentary

—Author Scott Jones, Illustrator Amy D’Apice

A fine line exists between fact and fiction… menus and meals, historical and hysterical, misspelling and Miss Pelling, between “WTF? Go for it!” and “OMG! Forgo it!” This long awaited offspring of Scott Jones’ Life in the Laugh Lane book lurches back and forth across that line

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“Mr. President? No, thanks.”

A timely review of the past seven decades of US presidents and a few words about its present place holder. Snicker or weep openly in this sample chapter from Can you spare me a smile?

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Life in the Laugh Lane

Facts, fiction, and photos from America to Asia

—Author Scott Jones

A perfect bedside or bathroom companion for a bit of levity stateside and overseas. 300 hundred pages with 300 photos to prove the ridiculous is real. If you liked Scott Jones’ live performances, you’ve love this book!


In her right mind and the wrong body

—Author Scott Jones

Action, adventure, suspense, mystery, genetic engineering, and science fiction that’s not too far in the future—starring memorable characters you’ll wish were your real-life friends. 

Freedom, Sex, and a Meat Cleaver

Wild adventures in Southeast Asia

—Author Sherman Miles

From the safety and comfort of your life, read about precarious adventures you wouldn’t dare tackle yourself. In our hero’s quest for freedom, he discovers there’s a price to pay with each step

Click on book covers to view excerpts.

Vagabond Tales

A spiritual journey

—Author Pleasant DeSpain

Traditional tales, real-life stories, and commentary from Pleasant DeSpain, “a pioneer of the American storytelling renaissance and author of 18 award-winning multicultural books.

Click on book covers to view excerpts.

She Be Queen

—Author/Artist Sandra Wright

“Women have always been a theme in my work. In my artwork and writing, I’ve explored their anger, silences, and lack of a sense of power. It is a privilege for me to bring together my two passions—art and poetry—in She Be Queen. I hope to tap into choruses of other women’s voices through my own journey.